This study utilizes the synthetic control method to assess the economic consequences of the ongoing civil war in the Central African Republic since December 2012. Drawing on a donor pool of low-income and lower-middle-income countries, it constructs a synthetic counterfactual to depict the economic trajectory in the absence of conflict. The analysis reveals a significant decline in national gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, estimated between 45.3 percent and 47.8 percent over a decade of conflict, resulting in a cumulative GDP loss of US}29.7 billion to US}32.4 billion (purchasing power parity, PPP, adjusted). Two model specifications are employed, one using pre-treatment outcomes and the other integrating external covariates. Robustness checks support the findings, indicating a minimum 10-year decline of 35.3 percent in GDP per capita. Even considering the 2003 coup, this civil war has the most detrimental economic impact. The analysis remains robust when incorporating GDP data from remote sensing sources. These effects align with the fragility trap concept, portraying one of the highest economic impacts of civil conflict in terms of relative GDP per capita decline.
Perception of COVID-19 and household behavior in Burkina Faso: Data analysis from a sample survey
Jacky Mathonnat, Martine Audibert, and Vincent Nossek
Very soon after the first cases of COVID-19 appeared on the African continent, governments adopted a series of measures to limit its spread. To be effective, these measures require that they be widely accepted and respected by the population, notwithstanding their various costs to the individual. Compliance depends on numerous individual and collective cultural, socioeconomic, institutional, and environmental factors, as well as on the perception of the risks involved and the severity of the multifaceted consequences that the pandemic may generate.We examine these various issues based on data from a survey conducted in Burkina Faso in May–June 2020. It appears that the measures taken by the authorities to limit the pandemic’s spread are very inconsistently complied with. The vast majority of respondents take the pandemic very seriously, believing that the health consequences, and even more so the economic consequences, will be serious. The survey also shows that a large proportion of respondents are concerned about the pandemic’s effects on the deepening of inequalities and the potential increase in violence and insecurity. The results highlight both common features and a great variety in perceptions and behavioral responses at the individual and regional levels. Burkina Faso’s decision-makers can use these results to better calibrate the prevention strategies to be implemented, as the prospect of broad immunization coverage remains both distant and highly uncertain, and to be ready to respond to future pandemics.Codes JEL : I12, I18, D10, P36, O55.
Comprehensive Study on the Impact of COVID-19 on the Least Developed
Upon request of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Committee for Development Policy undertook a comprehensive on the impact of COVID-19 on the LDC category. It has two main intended uses. First, it is an input to the 2021 triennial review, meant to enable the Committee to ...
Ce document synthétise les messages portés par les travaux de la Ferdi traitant des enjeux du Sahel et de ses fragilités. Le diagnostic qu’ils dressent met notamment en lumière les fortes vulnérabilités auxquelles les pays sahéliens font face. Si sous-développement et insécurité se nourrissent mu...
La technologie blockchain, alliée de la coopération au développement?
L’évolution erratique de la monnaie Bitcoin a récemment jeté un coup de projecteur sur la technologie blockchain dont la célèbre cryptomonnaie est l’application la plus connue. Présentée comme une révolution disruptive par ses promoteurs, cette technologie permet la création de registres numériqu...
L’électrification décentralisée dans les pays membres de l’UEMOA :
L’UEMOA se trouve aujourd’hui face à un objectif ambitieux qui est l’accès universel à l’électricité d’ici 2030, objectif d’autant plus ambitieux étant donné la part importante représentée par la population rurale au sein de l’UEMOA. Cependant les récentes évolutions technologiques concernant l...
Improving Aid Allocation for Small Developing States
Patrick Guillaumont, Laurent Wagner, and Vincent Nossek
The level of aid received by small developing states and small island developing states (SIDS) is relatively high, considered either per capita or as a ratio to GNI, even if its total amount does not exceed 5% of the total amount of Overseas Development Assistance (ODA). The rationale for this ...
Revisiter le bilan des OMD par la variation du Logit
Alors qu’ont été récemment définis les 17 objectifs du développement durable (ODD), les 169 cibles à atteindre d’ici 2030 et les 230 indicateurs permettant de les mesurer, peu de travaux s’interrogent sur la pertinence des méthodologies utilisées pour évaluer les progrès de ces indicateurs. Ceu...
Statistical Assessment of the SDGs in the LDCs and other Vulnerable
This document provides a statistical comparison of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and their main targets in the least developed countries, other vulnerable countries and other developing countries. It is based on the list of SDGs adopted in September 2015 during the 70th session of th...